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Please note that the HINT has been replaced by the HINT 6.

Year after year Parasound Halo preamplifiers and power amplifiers have been rated the best high-end audio for the money.  Several years ago we challenged ourselves to create a no-compromise integrated amp that would match the performance of our Halo separates in every respect.  We call it the Halo Integrated Amplifier.

Vintage HALO Integrated (HINT)

Please note that the HINT has been replaced by the HINT 6.

Year after year Parasound Halo preamplifiers and power amplifiers have been rated the best high-end audio for the money.  Several years ago we challenged ourselves to create a no-compromise integrated amp that would match the performance of our Halo separates in every respect.  We call it the Halo Integrated Amplifier.

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